100 Years of Debt in Half a Year?!

Wealthy Retirement


U.S. residents are owed an estimated $1,290 BILLION



Editor's Note: Today, Contributing Analyst Jody Chudley shares a frightening truth...

The U.S. has added 100 years' worth of debt to its balance sheet in half a year.

Like a snowball, this massive accumulation of debt builds momentum as it grows. Jody believes the dollar could weaken as a result.

The only way to get ahead of this kind of currency devaluation is to beat it at its own game - and Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist at our sister e-letter Liberty Through Wealth, has a plan.

He has devised a system that harnesses the "Super Momentum" of high-powered stocks to hand investors profits right when they need it most - and let them get out in time to claim their share.

To learn more about which three stocks Alex has his eye on right now, click here.

- Mable Buchanan, Assistant Managing Editor

Safeguard Your Portfolio Against Currency Devaluation

Jody Chudley, Contributing Analyst, The Oxford Club

Jody Chudley

It's clear that COVID-19 is going to make for a tough winter. But for the first time, a clear end to the pandemic is in sight.

Both Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) and Moderna (Nasdaq: MRNA) announced that they have created vaccines that are more than 90% effective.

There were no guarantees that an effective vaccine was going to happen - so those are exciting results.

By the third quarter of next year, experts believe that we will have, for the most part, put COVID-19 behind us.

I can't wait.

But as investors, we need to start positioning ourselves for a post-pandemic world...

Historic Consequences

When COVID-19 broke out in the United States, the government responded in a big way to try to rescue the economy.

It had to be done. The economic shock from closing our economy was unlike anything we had ever seen before.

The result is that in 2020, the U.S. federal deficit will exceed $3 trillion. That is more than double the previous record deficit hit in 2009 during the financial crisis.

And as I recently wrote, interest rates have been pushed down to 5,000-year lows...

The Federal Reserve's balance sheet has ballooned from $4 trillion at the start of the year to $7.2 trillion in just a few months. We have added 100 years of debt in half a year.

An incredible 21% of all U.S. dollars ever printed will have been printed in 2020!

They must have worn out the printing press...

Chart - 21% of All U.S. Dollars Were Printed in 2020

The government has thrown everything and the kitchen sink at the economy to try to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

But as with all powerful treatments, this market medicine has some serious side effects...


He Predicted the Trump Witch Hunt and the Rise of China. But Now...


This former government insider has an urgent warning about America's economic future.

He's ready to detail the five steps you must take today to protect your family and your wealth from the devastating economic event he believes is on the way.

But you must act now.

Go HERE to see the details.

Protect Yourself Now

Billionaire mogul John Malone believes that he knows what is coming once the pandemic ends.

Malone has been aggressively making moves to protect his wealth from currency devaluation.

That wouldn't be surprising given how much money is flying around and how low interest rates are. It is the perfect recipe for weakening the purchasing power of the dollar.

Malone has been buying up hard assets, which he believes will increase in value as currencies weaken.

When I say "hard assets," I'm talking about tangible things like real estate, commodities and precious metals.

You want to be an owner of hard assets going into currency devaluation, not someone who has to purchase them as their value increases.

In 2020, Malone has purchased substantial interests in multifamily housing and farmland.

We have been on the real estate train here at Wealthy Retirement since May, when I pounded the table on homebuilders.

I thought these companies were perfectly positioned to profit from record-low rates, a decadelong shortage of building and pent-up demand for first-time homebuyers. I saw a strong future for real estate prices and demand.

That hypothesis has worked out very well, with the sector's return more than doubling the return of the S&P 500 since I brought it to your attention.

Chart - Homebuilders Double the Return of the S&P 500

I still like homebuilders for the longer term, and I have other "hard asset" ideas that I think are set to outperform as well.

Look for more on that in the coming weeks and months as we get our portfolios ready for a post-pandemic world...

We need to be quick on this because the market is a forward-looking mechanism and will start bidding prices up before the pandemic ends.

Good investing,


P.S. Don't get caught with your guard down. Beat rising inflation before it even starts with Alexander Green's top three "Super Momentum" stocks. Details here...


Billionaires Used This Strange Investment to Help Build Their Fortunes (Hint: It's Not What You Think)

Millions of Dollars

Mark Cuban... George Soros... Sam Zell... even Donald Trump...

They've all used a special type of real estate investment to orchestrate FLOODS of easy income.

Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld blows the lid off this secret in his newest video (click here to watch).

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