My secret "EVENT" strategy can help you make an extra $6,850, $28,725, even $34,140 in as little as 30 days.

Don't miss out on my proven way to potentially double your money up to FIVE times a month
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My Schaeffer's EVENT subscribers have been profiting from earnings season for many years.

It's a proven way to potentially double your money up to FIVE times a month.

I really think this strategy could benefit you (and your account) greatly, but the clock is ticking...

If you don't claim your place soon you may miss your chance to profit from these incredible fast-action trades!

Like my subscribers recently did when they scored total gains of 177% on eBay.

You could've purchased 10 contracts for $3,850 and sold for $10,690 - a gain of $6,850!

Or when they had the chance to bank another total gain of 347% on UPS.

If you had purchased 10 contracts for $8,275, you could've walked away with $37,000 - a gain of $28,725.

That's a pretty nice payday. And it couldn't be easier.

Act Now!

Simply watch for my EVENT tracker to give the "buy" signal. Place one trade. And cash out with your profits in as little as a few weeks.

Like what happened with our trade on Zscaler, Inc.

Seemingly out of the blue, my EVENT tracker gave me the "buy" signal, telling me that Zscaler was about to explode higher on earnings.

We recommended our readers enter a call position at a maximum of $7.85. And once again, we were right.

For the next two weeks leading up to earnings, Zscaler stock exploded, and we recommended selling half of the calls for a 314% gain.

Then it kept surging for 30 days until we finally closed the second half for a 555% gain - giving us total gains of 434% - in less than six weeks.

You could've purchased 10 contracts for $7,850 and sold for $41,990 - a massive profit of $34,140.

And as soon as you click below, I'll show you how to rake in a ton of extra cash like this consistently every month.

If you want the chance to double your money up to FIVE times a month, then please join now. Don't let this moneymaking potential pass you by.

But it's just the beginning...

This earnings season is going to be epic!

Right now, all the factors are pointing towards an explosive Q3 earnings season. Just think about it...

The Coronavirus that closed down the entire world...

And the Federal Reserve saying it will print unlimited amounts of money to prop up the economy...

Plus, throw a stimulus package into the mix, and...

I FIRMLY BELIEVE this earnings season will present some of the greatest profit opportunities we've ever seen.

We will be seeing even more big stock moves (some up and some down) as companies reveal all the details for last quarter.

And Schaeffer's EVENT subscribers will be ready to pounce... to make profits of up to 200% or more from our earnings-based trades in the coming days and weeks.

My team and I have already identified FIVE hot trading opportunities and we expect to begin releasing these trades at any time.

Don't miss out!

Act Now!

It doesn't take big money to make big money.

Many of our trade recommendations will cost around $500 or less to enter.

Now that doesn't mean we'll NEVER send you a trade that costs a bit more to get in. Some will be more expensive.

After all, I would hate for you to miss out on a really hot profit opportunity just because it costs a little bit more.

But remember, with Schaeffer's EVENT, you are in and out of the market in as little as 30 days or less. We're talking about doubling your money up to FIVE times in one month here.

Receive a LIFETIME Upgrade when You Join Schaeffer's EVENT Today!

I've priced Schaeffer's EVENT at an affordable $1,495 per year. And I think that's more than fair, considering these FIVE trades are poised to generate massive profits for you in such a short time each month.

But today, you have an exclusive opportunity to receive a year of Schaeffer's EVENT trades at the incredibly low price of just $295.

That means you can instantly save $1,200 off the price most people pay today.

Plus, to sweeten the deal, I'll remove your annual expiration date, giving you a LIFETIME subscription, because I know once you see these trades... You're not going to be able to get enough of them!

That means you'll receive a lifetime of access to Schaeffer's EVENT for JUST $295... starting with your first trades THIS WEEK!

Click Here for Lifetime Access!

With the jam-packed earnings season coming up, this is a great opportunity for smart traders to make some quick profits.

However, if you're ready to get started, you'll need to act soon...

We only have 50 spots available today.

As I mentioned, this is a very limited offer.

Once we have 50 registrants, or the clock hits midnight tonight, this deal expires!

So, if you're ready to cash in on the potential of this earnings season, and EVERY earnings season for LIFE - please click here now.

Don't delay, or you risk missing out on some life-changing gains over the months to come.

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. This could be the easiest money you'll ever make. I'm releasing five new earnings season trades, and you could be doubling your money as soon as next week!

Click Here for Lifetime Access!

Divider Bar

Hi Trader,

Bernie Schaeffer here, with one simple message:

If you're not trading earnings, you're leaving
a ton of profits on the table.

Today, I'm going to show you how my Schaeffer's EVENT service can help you double your money up to FIVE times in October.

How is this possible?

For years, the financial news media, Wall Street analysts, and even your broker may have been warning you against trading around earnings season.

You may have heard it's too risky... that markets are too volatile... or that you should wait...

But they are DEAD WRONG.

Earnings announcements create huge price eruptions - stock moves that are double, triple, even 10X bigger on average than at any other time of the year.

So if you want to make big money in the markets, you have to trade earnings season.

But more importantly...

This October kicks off one of the most interesting
earnings seasons of my lifetime

The third quarter (Q3) goes from July 1 to September 30.

That means we have a brand-new earnings season starting in October.

And I am 100% ready for it. In fact, my team and I can't wait for it to get started.

The contributing factors are pretty clear:

From the never-ending fight between Congress and President Trump...

To the constant political tensions between the U.S., China, Russia and Iran...

To the shocking Coronavirus that closed the global economy...

All these factors add up to one of the most volatility we've seen in years.

Add a stimulus package into the mix, and we're about to see even more big stock moves (some up and some down) as companies spill the beans on earnings and expectations.

And that's exactly why we use OPTIONS as our investment of choice here at Schaeffer's.

Because options can deliver huge profits to subscribers as stocks rise... OR as they fall.

Plus, options provide leverage... meaning you can easily turn a 15% stock move into 100% profits or more!

That's how you really make money in today's market!

There's only one event with the power to double your money up to FIVE times in October.

And I can't wait to help you capitalize THIS earnings season!

Act Now!

I FIRMLY BELIEVE this earnings season will present some of the greatest profit opportunities we've ever seen.

You see, we've got a savvy group of subscribers here at Schaeffer's that rides those ups and downs to some serious earnings day option-trading profits. They've been doing it for years.

And let's just say the spectacular performance of my Schaeffer's EVENT service has put me in a great mood to share the wealth with readers like you.

In fact, my readers have recently seen MASSIVE total gains like...

  • 130.94% on Ambarella Inc.
  • 110.07% on Chewy Inc.
  • 215.03% on Peloton Interactive
  • 102.39% on Molson Coors
  • 434.91% on Zscaler Inc.
  • 177.86% on eBay, and...
  • 347.13% on United Parcel Service

Now keep in mind, each of these triple-digit gains were made DESPITE all the market volatility!

It just goes to show you that Schaeffer's EVENT is the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to make money you'll ever see.

With these seven winning trades alone, they've had the chance to bank total gains of 1,518%.

That's enough to turn every $500 into $11,091.

Or every $750 into a cash pile worth $16,637.

Up your stakes to $1,500, and you could've pocketed $33,274!

I can't think of a more reliable strategy that can help you turn
seven trades into over $33,000!

The best part?

Because it's extra income in addition to what you already make, you can use the extra money any way you want.

To lock in a comfortable, worry-free retirement...

To help family members who need it...

Or maybe just to buy yourself a new car.

Act Now!

I'm convinced this Q3 season is set to bring profit opportunities
like we've never seen before

And that's why I'm writing to you today.

I want to help you capitalize on the coming earnings season with my VIP Upgrade!

Only a tiny percentage of readers will ever have the chance to upgrade to this status.

But when you claim your special VIP Membership Upgrade today, you will receive access to several benefits you can't get anywhere else.

Most importantly, you'll never have to pay another yearly subscription fee for the rest of your life.

Why am I doing this?

You see, I first started in investing back in the 1970s.

And like most investors of that era, I subscribed to a number of market letters. These newsletters published investment advice about the "hottest" stocks.

But time and again I would listen to the "experts" quoted in the pages of the leading financial publications, only to be led down the path to investment losses.

My life changed when I discovered how to play upcoming "events"

After years of struggling, I realized I could rake in massive gains simply by playing upcoming market events...

  • I learned how to take advantage of all the pre-earnings buzz and turn it into huge profits on the biggest names on Wall Street.
  • I would spend the days leading up to earnings season analyzing stocks to find these surprise opportunities... getting the chance to make big gains when earnings unexpectedly come in higher or lower than analysts anticipated (and the stock either soars or dives).
  • And I discovered that these profit opportunities don't end after earnings come out. We've all seen it... euphoria-buying or panic-selling just after earnings are announced, but once things settle down, the stock quickly moves back toward its pre-earnings price. Those are great opportunities to bank some quick gains as those euphoria buyers sell, or investors swoop in to buy at the new low.

That's why I decided to create this event-based trading research service...

Here are the details about our service...

My EVENT service leverages new events - earnings reports, analyst updates, product launches, and more - as catalysts for trades targeting huge gains.

We harness the power of these market-moving events to identify the best way to make big gains.

With Schaeffer's EVENT, you're able to get in on FIVE money-doubling trades every month, while limiting your exposure by holding a month or less.

We provide complete entry instructions, as well as commentary and charts directly from myself and my top traders.

You'll know exactly what to do, and why every trade is primed for maximum profit.

And you can do just that when you accept your Schaeffer's EVENT VIP Membership.

When you do, you'll have uninterrupted access to every trading opportunity I ever send out with this research service.

So you'll never be left out of the chance to make big, fast money month after month - for as long as you live!

Make no mistake: This special VIP membership is the ultimate chance to make more money faster than you ever thought possible.

Click Here for Lifetime Access!

Typically, the price of Event is $1,495 for one year, and it's a fair price considering the huge gains we target with every trade.

But, I'm so excited by what I see in this market - tons of new profit opportunities - and I want to make it so easy for you to get in on this action...

I'm going to slash the price by $1,200... so you can become an Event subscriber for JUST $295!

And that's not the end of this amazing offer!

As a special bonus to select Schaeffer's insiders only, I'm offering a full Lifetime VIP Upgrade at an extremely discounted rate.

I want to make it a no-brainer for you to join us because we're seriously excited about the profitable trade opportunities we're releasing!

So if you join in time to receive tonight's trades, you do so at the reduced rate of just $295.

In short, you pay once, and we'll be giving you a LIFETIME subscription.

And you'll never need to renew or pay another penny to keep these hot trades coming.

That's it.

I'm sure you'd agree this $1,200 savings is quite a deal.

It's one of the smartest investments you'll ever make.

Look, the bottom line is that you don't want to miss out on this.

Remember, you're only getting this deal because you're a loyal reader.

You'll receive 5 trades a month - every month - until you tell us to stop sending them your way... even if that's 5 years, 10 years, or longer!

So if you're serious about taking advantage of these profit opportunities, I urge you to act now.

Act Now!

This special offer is only available for the first 50 people today

And it will be ending when the last one is scooped up or at midnight tonight, whichever comes first.

So don't wait another moment.


Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. Remember, as a VIP member of Schaeffer's EVENT, you'll see FIVE explosive profit opportunities every single month, for the rest of your life. Click here to finalize your VIP upgrade before it's too late.

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Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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