[ALERT] This Gold Stock is Moving...

Albert Friedberg has one of the greatest investing track records out there...

With an expertise in currencies and commodities, his hedge fund delivered nearly 50% average annual returns over 10 years.

Good luck with getting into his fund.

But you can buy in his next big idea in the gold space.

In 2003, he believed gold was going dramatically higher.

So, he bought big stakes in companies like Arizona Star and Seabridge Gold.

  • Those early investors saw gains of over 10x their money.

Now, Friedberg's bought a stake in a company that owns 20% of the Carlin trend.

It took years and hundreds of transactions to put together that important portfolio.

Here's why the Carlin reigns King...

Over 90 million ounces have come out of the Carlin Trend since 1870.

To put that into perspective, That's over $160 billion at today's prices.

So... Why does a wealth hedge fund manager like Friedman like this gold stock?

This stock checks all the right boxes:

  • Here's what it costs: A PFS study was released showing an incredible payback ~ 2 years at current gold prices (that's as good as it gets in gold mining)
  • Here's what it's worth: At recent gold prices the NPV of their flagship project is nearly double its current market cap.

You can follow Frieberg and buy his one of his top gold stocks...

BELOW the price he bought in at.

Click here to get the full report on the company.


Richard Cohen

Publisher - Trading Signal


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