Cheap Stocks to Buy When Markets Struggle

September 21, 2020
Life Is Unpredictable. Trophy Trades Aren't
WealthPress head trader Roger Scott is speechless…

He's been in contact with a mysterious trader Roger has dubbed the "King of Wall Street" — fitting since he's already been crowned "the best trader in the universe" 10 times over.

Roger tells us that this trader revealed a unique but simple method in finding "Trophy Trades" that could have already awarded you with $13.5 million in profits...

And set you on the path to 20 straight years (and counting) of profits — without a single losing year. That means that the 2008 financial crash and early 2000s dot-com bubble couldn't stop these trophy wins!

Even during this year's flash crash, this trophy trader personally pocketed $315,811 in a matter of weeks...
Click here to see for yourself
Snowflake's IPO Will Make 1.5 Trillion… Rows of Data Easy To Analyze
In case you haven't been able to tell by my writing these past few months, my entire workflow centers around data of all kinds.

In the age of COVID, however, it hasn't been enough for analysts to rely on traditional sources, most of which aren't updated very frequently.

Instead, it has been crucial to find alternative datasets that do a better job explaining what's happening with the economy in real time.

And while that's not exactly something new – a corporate jet data feed tipped off analysts to the Anadarko-Occidental Petroleum deal last year – it has become so important that entire cottage industries have sprouted up around it.

As a result, alternative data is starting to become commoditized. On Amazon Web Services' marketplace alone, there are 982 large datasets available for free.

Spoiler alert: You've already seen some of them, as I am a relatively frequent user.
Get the data
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Cheap Stocks to Buy as Markets Struggle
What did you learn from the latest stock market correction?

The right time to lock in your profits, perhaps? Or did you learn the stocks that are more or less likely to combat the market pullback?

If you haven't learned anything, use this video as a guide through the next correction.

Like in physics, what goes up has to come down (to a point). We have had an unprecedented run up in the markets this latest fiscal quarter, and so a temporary breather is not something to be scared about.

In fact, it's needed for there to be a healthy marketplace. The decline in prices could even act as a new floor for stocks to then rebound even higher…

We are looking for undervalued stocks so we can profit the most from this drop.
Here's what we found
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A Bullish Divergence occurs when prices fall to a new low while a technical indicator fails to reach a new low. This situation demonstrates that bears are losing power, and that bulls are ready to control the market again — often a bullish divergence marks the end of a downtrend.

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The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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