7 Stocks for the Work-From-Home Revolution

September 19, 2020
BREAKING NEWS: National Policy
Causing 24-Hour Spikes
Did you know there's a policy that has resulted in so many large, 24-hour windfalls... Wall Street is trying to hide it from the regular Joes?

But today, that hidden secret policy is about to be exposed.

Thanks to an undercover trader who goes by "Blitz Tracker," now anyone has a shot at 843% overnight gains.

You could make potential gains like that in just 24 hours or less...

Learn the secret!
7 Stocks Set for
Work-From-Home Revolution
The biggest change in the world inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic is the work-from-home economy.

While only about 50% of workers can actually do their job from home, that is enough to create a big shift in the information technology and communications industries.

The shift is so dramatic it will completely reshape the financial performance of thousands of companies. Some for the better... some for the worse.

But for those whose financial performance is affected for the better, this equates to dramatic share price appreciation that could continue —  especially if the pandemic moves into the highly anticipated "second wave" this fall and winter.
What the 'work-from-home' traders should know
My Favorite Drone Stock
Is Gaining Altitude
I released a video on my favorite drone stock a couple of weeks ago, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc (Nasdaq: KTOS), and it is already up more than 10% — with the potential of having an important longer-term breakout moment soon.

And while I will cover more on that later in this video, what I want to touch on first is why now, more than ever, it's important that traders are careful where they invest.

Like any emerging sector, there's going to be a lot of companies that look and sound great but don't succeed — and then you have a relative handful that end up taking the lion's share of rewards.

That's just how things end up working out in the long term, and that's also the reason why I like to keep my focus on companies that do a lot of their business with the military.
Historically, here's why I do it
Why Is The Media Hiding
This Breakthrough 'Shadow' Discovery?
A trade pattern favoring banking "elites" and their friends has recently been revealed.

But you won't see the big name "free media" covering this... Every dirty trick to keep the money at the top is being used.

That's unfair!

But this new report shows how ANYONE can detect these "Shadow Blitzes" in order to take a huge slice of the pie right out from underneath them!

Get the details
"I enjoyed your informative short video explaining the connection between the Fed's interest rates and the stock market. I kind of knew this, but, it's helpful to be reassured of my observations. Thank You for sharing your knowledge. God Bless"

Rubin C.

Implied Volatility is the estimated volatility, or gyrations, of a security's price, and is most commonly used when pricing options. In general, implied volatility increases while the market is bearish, when investors believe the asset's price will decline over time, and decreases when the market is bullish, when investors believe that the price will rise over time. This is due to the common belief that bearish markets are riskier than bullish markets. Implied volatility is a way of estimating the future fluctuations of a security's worth based on certain predictive factors.
Disclaimer & Disclosures
The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.


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