📝 The Cheat Sheet - July 25, 2020

Profit Trends

-6.6% YTD

0.2% YTD

16.6% YTD

Dow Jones Industrial Average

S&P 500 Index

Nasdaq Composite

Gold Coins

Gold Investing Continues to Shine


Wind Mills Water

Wind Is Emerging as the Top Renewable Power Source


Family on Phones

Internet Overload: Staying Connected During the Pandemic


Blue Arrow

Breakthrough Theory: Investing in Today's Tech Stocks



Falling costs have caused wind power to emerge as the cheapest form of renewable energy. This could potentially also boost green hydrogen production.

Green hydrogen production requires a lot of power. So building green hydrogen facilities at wind farms could be advantageous, as wind farms typically produce more power at night than they need.

According to Morgan Stanley, producing hydrogen at wind sites in the Midwest could make green hydrogen profitable within two years.



The 5G Stock That Practically NOBODY Knows About... YET

5G Bar ChartIts partners include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile.

It owns more than 200 patents.

And analysts say it has "home-run potential."

Get the details on this unknown stock now...

Video - Matthew Carr

Subscribe to Matthew Carr's YouTube channel!

Left Quote

COVID-19 has let the genie out of the bottle for tech. The pandemic is accelerating the adoption of technology that was already underway.

Right Quote

- Matthew Carr
Chief Trends Strategist

Chart - Performance of Major Global Assets

In the first half of 2020, gold outperformed every single major asset class...

It rose 16.8% during that span and continues to rocket higher in July.

Gold is now worth more than $1,800 an ounce.

Those are levels we haven't seen in almost a decade, since before the final leg of the precious metal's massive rout that sent prices back down to near $1,000...


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