This strategy could make you a lot of money...

And it doesn't matter if the markets are moving upward, downward or even sideways.

It's been a wild ride… and while every expert (including myself) has an opinion on where the market is potentially headed, the truth is that we just simply don't know what's coming next.

But that's okay… because I have a strategy that can make you money regardless of whether the markets move up, down, or to the side...

I'm seeing multiple opportunities on these uncertain levels -- including the setup I'm about to show you today.

And it's very easy to execute…


Today would be Tax Day, but due to the health crisis we're experiencing, the deadline has been pushed back until the U.S. can gain some sense of normalcy again (much like the economy).

However, just when we thought we were close to getting out of this mess, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came out saying they expect the world's economy to suffer worse than it did during the Great Depression… Global stocks and oil prices slumped today as a result.

Among other record-breaking news, the price of oil is now at a new 18-year low, with demand expected to drop by 9.3 million barrels a day.

The IMF also came out with shocking news about the global economic output…

Watch what they said below.

In today's video, I'm also covering how governments plan on reopening their economies... and my #1 stock to short -- including option and strike price.

Watch this video

This health crisis has crashed the markets…

But if you followed this system, you could have made an average of $6,430 each week -- without ever shorting a single stock!

Main Street investors have discovered a Wall Street super-strategy… one that's immune to the current global pandemic.

And I've teamed up with James West to bring all the details to you.

Don't miss this

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today in the markets?
I've got you covered...

Catch the market update

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.

For our full disclaimer, visit here.


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