The Fed Is Ruining the Dollar

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The Fed Is Ruining the Dollar

Founder of Manward Press, Andy Snyder, is making a bold prediction. It all has to do with a big announcement that's coming soon. Check it out.

- Rebecca Barshop, Senior Managing Editor

Trump is right.

The Federal Reserve is a mess.

Just this week, it announced it's printing another $2.3 trillion to prop up the nation's economy.

This can't end well.

But the pumping is not over yet.

The Fed has another meeting set for April 29. And the news from that meeting could be dire...

Especially if you're a fan of America's most popular asset.

If you own gold, are thinking of buying some or are simply curious to see what happens next, you must pay attention.

This big event is just days away.

Click here for the real story behind what's happening.

Be well,

Andy Snyder
Founder, Manward Press

P.S. Other countries have tried what I suspect is coming to America in a few weeks. It was a flat-out disaster. I included footage of the fallout here.

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