Congress is still moving forward with it (Shame on them)

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Congress Is Still Moving Forward With It (Shame on Them)

Rebecca Barshop | Senior Managing Editor | The Oxford Club

Rebecca Barshop
Americans' 401(k)s and IRAs have been crushed this year.

Many have lost 20 to 30% in stocks.

With that in mind, we were hoping the new $2 trillion stimulus package would REMOVE a specific law from the books.

But alas, no such luck.

The law, H.R. 1865, is still going into effect in 2020.

And if you haven't heard about it yet, you need to watch this video explaining its impact right now.

In short, the law "gives the IRS carte blanche to confiscate up to one third of your IRA."

That's not my opinion.

That's a quote from a Forbes report.

And The Wall Street Journal goes even further.

It said "the bill would reduce the value of all retirement savings plans: IRAs, 401(k)s, Roth IRAs, the works."

What a terrible time to enact a law like this.

But there is some good news.

Oxford Club Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld has found an alternative type of retirement account that could protect you.

It protects you from the IRS AND it protects your principal from market crashes (especially important at a time like this).

Watch Marc's video explaining this unusual story here.

It will make your blood boil.

We've got to fight back against unjust laws like this.



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