Fellow Investor,

It’s coming…

And investors everywhere could soon see their wealth annihilated…

CNBC reported 150 major companies, from Apple to Alibaba have told investors to expect the worst due to the coronavirus lockdown.

And when the world wakes up to just how bad earnings are… it could cause stock prices to collapse.

Fortunately, this solution may save you thousands…

A proprietary method pioneered by a 20+ year CBOE market veteran that exploits earnings season…

Used by banks, hedge funds, and pensions schemes alike…

That lets anyone quickly yank as much as $1,670… even $2,440 no matter which way stocks move on the news!

It has nothing to do with stocks…

And absolutely NOTHING to do with shorting or any risky naked options plays…

Meaning you are shielded from any further stock downside.

And best of all…

These “Overnight Trades” pay-out in as little as 24 hours!

Records show since 2017, making these Overnight Trades, you could have transformed a small $5,000 account into a stunning $1.1 million (proof here).

Now, in an urgent public briefing, this reclusive trading legend is going live to help you navigate the coming earnings nightmare unharmed.

To discover how you could pocket as much as $1,670… even $2,440 in as little as 24 hours…

NO MATTER which way stocks move on the news…

Click here now.

Good Trading,

Andy Crowder

Andy Crowder

P.S. I don’t like talking about my success… but I’ve been trading for nearly 20 years. And in the past 3 years I’ve had a near-perfect track record… turning a profit with over 80% of my trades.

If you are interested in winning more of your trades, I urge you to download my free e-book immediately. 

Click here to download my e-book now.


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