Marc's (Very) Weird Discovery

Profit Trends

Marc's (Very) Weird Discovery

Rebecca Barshop | Senior Managing Editor | The Oxford Club

Rebecca Barshop
It can drive you CRAZY...
The mass media loves to go on and on about stocks like Apple ($280)... Google ($1,355)... and Amazon ($1,790).
But not everyone wants to spend that kind of money on ONE share!
That's why today I want to tell you about a TOTALLY different class of stocks.
I'm talking about bargain stocks going for just $4.97... $3.15... even $2.04...
The story gets even better, though...
My colleague Marc Lichtenfeld just uncovered something quite shocking about these weird, low-priced stocks.
You may not believe it at first (I sure didn't).
He says that over time, these cheap stocks could generate an extra $1.1 MILLION for your portfolio, more than overpriced blue chips or the S&P.
If that sounds interesting to you, get all the details here.
And happy holidays!


P.S. You are among the VERY FIRST to hear about Marc's weird discovery.
(Let's call it a Christmas Eve present.)
I'm quite certain this news is going to rock the world of finance and investing once it gets out.
All I can say is...
First in, biggest advantage.

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