The Week in Review


Markets ended the holiday-shortened day on Wednesday at record highs. Friday, they weren't feeling quite as exuberant. And this time, it wasn't anything President Trump said. In fact, Trump surprised by behaving appropriately during the July 4th festivities on Thursday.

The employment numbers released yesterday didn't disappoint either. But that's the problem. The data is calling into question what many thought was an inevitable rate cut at the Fed's next meeting. Now there is some doubt. The markets don't like doubt.

On Monday, Harry talked about the market's propensity to see bad news as good news and also good news as good news. Really, they're looking for any reason to go up. But, as he explained on Wednesday, they're at a point right now we they could just as easily reverse by 25% as gain 25%. This all fits into his Dark Window scenario, which is progressing exactly as he has forecast so far.

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This Week in Economy & Markets...

Loving the British on the Fourth of July

Yes, yes, we all know that this is the day the American colonists declared their intent to separate from England by adopting the Declaration of Independence at the Continental Congress. And yes, there was a nasty five-year war after that in which we squared off against the redcoats… and then they smacked us around a...

Surge 25% or Fall 25%?

I sent a market update to Boom & Bust subscribers in our 5 Day Forecast last Monday. I explained that stocks saw their biggest correction since late 2011, which makes that a 4th wave correction leading into a 5th wave final blow-off rally… what I have been calling the Dark Window scenario. My target is...

Millennials Will Decide The 2020 Election

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Good News, Bad News, Markets Don't Care

Markets popped higher this morning after a weekend of good news: The Donald and Xi Jinping have agreed to a temporary truce in the U.S.-China trade war. The Donald has eased trade restrictions on Huawei. And The Donald made nice with North Korea. On Friday, I explained that markets were at that critical point where...

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