The Tipping Point: Could Trump Win 2020?

Trump's Approval at High of 44%... And Where He's Weakest

I hate politics. I hate that it's inescapable. What I don't hate is the investment opportunities all the insanity presents us.

So I hate, and then embrace…

And with 2020 fast approaching, we face a major tipping point… economically, politically, historically.

That means NOW is the time to prepare to protect your business endeavors and investments.

NOW is the time to position to profit.

The million-dollar question is: How?

Well, let's take a look…

The latest polls from ABC and The Washington Post show The Donald at his best since taking office, with a 44% approval rating overall. That's up sharply from 39% in April.

Still, he has a whopping 53% disapproval rating (54% in April). That's the worst showing at this point in the first term of any president since Eisenhower.

Kennedy enjoyed 72% approval and 15% disapproval. The two Bushes and Eisenhower all had a 69% to 71% approval rating. The next worse was Ford, with just 47% approval and 37% disapproval.

That means that capturing that 53% disapproval group is key to the 2020 elections. The contestants (and I call them that because, really, this is like a reality TV game show) must win more than a majority of the independents, who stand at 43% approval versus 54% disapproval, very close to mimicking the overall ratings.

Independents are the swing vote this time. They're smack in the middle, not on the far right as it was when The Donald took the win in 2016.

This is why so many critics warn that too many…


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