Stock-picking legend leaks secret stock (Trades for less than $3)

Our friends at the Oxford Club have discovered a stock that could completely fund your retirement. This mysterious stock is making huge deals with major tech giants. Details below..
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Our friends at the Oxford Club have discovered a stock that could completely fund your retirement. This mysterious stock is making huge deals with major tech giants. Details below.
Dear Reader,

One of the world's great stock pickers just did something crazy.

He went onstage and outed a secret stock that trades under a hidden name.

See the leaked footage here.

Now, keep in mind... this stock picker is legendary for his big trades.

He personally bought Apple in the '90s, when NOBODY thought Apple was going anywhere... and still holds every share.

He bought Amazon in the early 2000s... and still holds every share.

He even bought Netflix THIRTEEN years ago... and still holds every share.

I've looked through his personal trading records... and let me assure you, it's absurd how much he made on these trades.

But now he's done something I never thought I'd see. (Live camera footage here.)

He's outed a secret stock - trading for less than $3 - that he says is his next big score.

Click here to see the details for yourself.

When he revealed what was going on to the crowd, they went crazy.

Matthew Benjamin
Editorial Director, The Oxford Club

P.S. The secret $3 stock is set to bring $50,000 new jobs to America. And even Donald Trump caught wind of what the company is doing. He called it the "eighth wonder of the world." If you miss this story, you'll be kicking yourself for years! Check out the exclusive leaked footage right here.

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