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There's More Going on Than Meets the Eye in Climate Change and the Markets

The cold makes people happy (and more productive… in every way… ahem). The warmth makes people unhappy (and less productive). And, as Rodney and readers have been debating a lot lately, temperatures across the globe are changing. Frankly, I was surprised at the hot button this topic proved to be!

But, just like productivity, and even happiness (weather considerations included), global warming is cyclical. I learned long ago that there is always a hierarchy of cycles for any particular phenomenon. The weather. Demographics. Markets. You name it. You wouldn't believe what my hierarchy of economic and market cycles have teed up for us this year!

There's always a single, dominant trend, but also always another two or three that have significant impacts worth including. Of course, there are dozens of other cycles of every duration, but if you considered them all, your brain would explode. Besides, most are insignificant and too variable.

There are three particular cycles that have a bearing on the noticeable changes we've seen in the Earth's climate in recent decades and centuries (and four that are critical to economic and market behavior, which I'll talk more about in a minute).


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