Weekly Wrap Up

Trending this week

Weekly Wrap Up

Here's a rundown of the trending articles this week…

The Worst is Yet to Come from This Economic Winter Season

The Great Depression was a big deal, right? And we've been recovering since the financial and economic crisis at the turn of this century, right? Not so fast. The numbers show that our cumulative GDP over the last 11 years has been slightly WORSE than that during the 11 years between 1929 and 1940. How can this be?

The Debatable Cost of Climate Change

The best temperature modeling came together in the late 1990s and we started tracking temperature with these models in 2000. Since then, only one model has been accurate, and it calls for temperatures to increase modestly over the next 80 years if we do nothing. So, what does that mean for governments and corporations around the world?

Consumers: Make More, Spend More

Consumer spending comprises nearly two-thirds of our economy and retail sales make up half of all consumer spending. When spending slows, it stands to reason our economy will slow. December sales were horrific. What about January sales?

An Offer You Can't Refuse

My family was in the mafia. Back then, it wasn't that easy for Italian Americans to make their way in the new country. My great great-uncle was connected and heavily involved in Republican politics in central New York. When Wendell Willkie ran against FDR, he had to come to his house to get his blessing…

What Boomers Will Do to Real Estate and Nursing Homes Ahead

Contrary to popular opinion, Boomers haven't started their trek through the peak spending wave in nursing homes yet. But as they do, they're going to have some serious impact…

We're Overdosing on an Insidious Opioid

The Economic Winter Season's primary purpose is to flush out unproductive debt and deleverage financial asset bubbles that are weighing down the economy and stoking income inequality. It forces businesses to cut excessive costs and get more efficient. No detox means no recovery. Let's look at how we're doing on this front…

We're on the verge of the worst American crisis in nearly a century…

Debt is skyrocketing. The stock market is teetering on the edge. And Donald Trump is seeing his presidency self-destruct before his eyes. All of this adds up to a VERY dangerous situation for your wealth and your democracy. Learn the truth before it's too late.

Tech's Big Bullish Tell

One of the most valuable parts of my entire process is going through my workbook of monthly charts at the end of each month. It's easy to get lost in the daily noise, but this exercise forces me to identify the direction of the primary trend. And, during my review, there are always a few trends that stand out. Today, I want to point out what's happening in America's largest sector: tech.


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