Shhh… don’t tell anyone I’m sharing some Platinum conference insights…

Insights from the Tony Robbins
Platinum Conference

I've been at the Tony Robbins Platinum Group conference all week and, despite the cold, this is one of my favorite events of the year. Attendees – who are creative, successful, fun entrepreneurs, not corporate bureaucrats – learn from me and I learn a lot from them and other speakers!

So today I want to share with you some of the insights I gained this week. I can't tell you everything, of course. Attendees pay a lot of money to be here and it wouldn't be fair to them if I just divulged all the details.

One of the highlights for me was this Bubble Game that Tony played. He held up a $100 note and explained that we were going to bid for that money. Who ever bid the highest would get the cash. The runner up would have to PAY their bid, no matter what it was.

Listen to my video today to find out how that turned out… and to hear the other insights I can share.

Peter Diamandis talked about exponential technology and what technology we can expect in the next 10 to 15 years…

Ray Dalio talked about the ideal portfolio…

And so much more. Listen now.


P.S. Yes! I'm wearing my coat IN the hotel room. Like I said earlier in the week, it's colder than a witch's tit up in Whistler!

P.P.S. From what I see in weather reports, most of the continental U.S. is in the freezer this weekend as well. If you want to stay warm, watch John Del Vecchio as he shows you how to make incognito wealth.

Follow me on Twitter @HARRYDENTJR

Harry Dent, Founder, Dent Research

From decades of research and hands-on business experience, Harry has perfected an easy-to-understand view of the economic future.


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