A Market That Feels Like 1999

Wealthy Retirement


The Best 5G Stock to Buy Under $20

3D render CPU Technology

With stocks hitting all-time highs virtually every day, it's hard to find a good bargain. But this 5G stock is an exception. Its shares trade for less than $20, and it's locked in partnerships with ALL the major telecoms. That's why you need to get in NOW - before it's all over the mainstream press.

Details here...

Dividend Safety Grade

This week in Safety Net, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld examined an oil tanker company's generous but variable dividend yield. Its most recent payout puts its yield at a mouthwatering 12%, but investors should be wary...

Find out which company's dividend is only as reliable as your craziest friend in this week's Safety Net.

"I began investing last year when I discovered The Oxford Club. At the same time, we got a bank statement saying that our savings account had earned us a whopping $0.04 that month. I took a small part of those savings, $18,000, and began investing, and one year later it is $62,000. I think that is better than $0.04. Much of that success is due to my trust in Marc. Thank you, Marc. We are in our 70s, and we appreciate beyond words your hard work and your care about our money." – Wealthy Retirement reader Paulette M.

Have an experience that you'd like to share with the team at Wealthy Retirement? Click here to send us a message.

Chart - S&P 500: 1926-2020

On Tuesday, Contributing Analyst Jody Chudley tackled one of the most common misconceptions about the market: that investing is no different than risking your savings at the blackjack table or roulette wheel in a casino.

He proved that, unlike with a casino, the longer you stay invested in the market, the more likely you are to win - and this game is rigged in your favor. Click here to read the full story.



Angry Businesswoman

You missed these one-day gains...

51% on Canopy Growth... 73% on Dick's Sporting Goods... 95% on Conn's... 121% on Abercrombie & Fitch... 113% on Ciena... 108% on UPS... 133% on Kellogg's... 136% on Ambarella... 116% on Pinterest... 130% on Twitter... 178% on Yum Brands... and 188% on FedEx!

Click here to stop @#$%ing around and get what's yours.

Image of a Happy Senior Man


This coming Tuesday, Marc is taking the stage along with Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green and TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan. These investing masterminds plan to reveal how you can earn up to 4X more on all of your regular trades without using options or leverage. Click here to RSVP to the virtual event.

Image of a Businesswoman


On Monday, Marc explained how investor sentiment can be used as a gauge for where the market might be headed next. Today, wild euphoria on the part of investors in Bitcoin, special purpose acquisition companies and other speculative investments suggests that it might soon be time to get cautious... Read more here.

Image of a Bitcoin Mining


On Thursday, Jody uncovered a dirty secret that never gets mentioned about digital currency. Bitcoin has a fatal flaw, and it's not what you think... To read the full story (and discover what shortcoming could ultimately be Bitcoin's undoing), click here.

How will liquefied natural gas help the world "go green"? >>

Which three types of assets should you own to fight inflation? >>

What are the top five stocks to own right now? >>


Former Chicago Board Options Exchange Trader Predicts...

Stockflation is coming... Get ready now!

Here's how to protect your cash - click here.

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