5 Mid-Cap Stocks Ready to Play in the Big Leagues

September 20, 2020
Roger Scott Receives Shocking Email
[Revealed] Shocking Email From Trader in California
What would you do for an extra $56,526 every single month?

That is the question posed in a mysterious email WealthPress head trader Roger Scott just received from a trader in California.

Then the trader attached screenshots from his E-Trade account — saying anyone could earn $153,032 in profits in just 10 weeks… $458,319 on just three positions… and another $254,584 after only 63 days.

Roger did some recon on this guy… and it turns out he might just be the most interesting trader alive…
Click here to unlock the private email
The Power of High Accuracy
Stock Trading
Predicting the future price movement of a stock or ETF on a consistent basis isn't an easy task. If it was, we'd all be rich already.

I use a mechanical system that allows me to follow the trends instead of trying to "predict." That's done by purchasing put options and inverse ETFs.

Had you used this tool recently, during the stock market downturn of 2002, or during the 2008 housing crisis, you could've caught each bear market in its tracks.

In today's video I thought I'd show you the history of this trading strategy, and how I've been able to rely on it for over 35 years.
I've got the power
Mid-Cap Stocks With Strong Potential Next Quarter
If you've been keeping up with my videos, then you already know my favorite method to analyze medium-sized stocks is by screening their earnings per share (EPS) increases over a quarterly and annual basis.

Combining that metric with my technical relative strength scan helps me find stocks ready to take their market cap to the next level.

It's the difference between the little leagues and playing for the pros.

My latest scans just uncovered FIVE mid-cap companies that are sharply increasing their EPS, AND strongly outperforming the broader stock market.
The growth is off the charts explosive
*clicking this video will automatically subscribe you to rogerscott.com sends
2 Bank Stocks Falling Out of Favor
Ever since I did a little exposé on Nasdaq stocks losing relative strength, my inbox has been flooded with questions about the financial sector. I knew straight away that I had to film this video.

The coronavirus pandemic isn't going anywhere anytime soon, which could result in the highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression.

That's bad news for banks... This could be a perfect time to avoid or short these two bank stocks…
Two stocks in the danger zone
*clicking this video will automatically subscribe you to rogerscott.com sends

"Thanks Roger; You have been a great teacher and Mentor to me!!!! Cheers!!!"

Sean B., M.D.

The Advance/Decline (A/D) Line is used by many traders to confirm the strength of a current trend and its likelihood of reversing. The indicator essentially shows if most stocks are participating in the direction of the market. If the markets are up, but the A/D line is sloping downwards (bearish divergence), it's usually a sign that the markets are losing their breadth and may be about to reverse direction. If the slope of the A/D line is up and the market is trending upward, then the market is said to be healthy.
Disclaimer & Disclosures
The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.


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